The Lilias Graham Trust
Become a part of the community of LGT and get involved with what LGT is trying to achieve

Why should you become a member?
LGT is a company limited by guarantee. It costs nothing to join but, in the event of the company becoming insolvent, the members of the company could be asked to contribute up to £1 each. This is the only downside of being a member!
The benefits of being a member include being entitled to:
- attend the Annual General Meeting of the company
- vote at the Annual General Meeting of the company on the approval of the accounts and the appointment of directors
- vote on any change to the constitution of LGT
- vote on any other matter raised at the Annual General Meeting
- attend any functions for members held at Braendam House.
- receive the Annual Review and any other communications to members about the LGT
But above all, being a member will make you feel a part of the community of LGT, past and present, and involved with what LGT is trying to achieve.
Membership of LGT is open to anyone (16 and over) who has at any time used the services of LGT. Membership is also open to, among others, anyone who supports the aims and activities of LGT.
If you would like to become a member, please complete and submit the form below.